Veterans' Health and Wellbeing Research Grants Program Guide

The Queensland Government committed $500,000 in funding to establish the Veterans’ Health and Wellbeing Research Grants Program to support research to identify new and better ways to strengthen and foster veterans’ health and wellbeing.

Grant funding up to $150,000 (ex GST) has been provided to four organisations to undertake a five new research projects or to expand the scope of an existing research project to improve understanding of issues impacting on veterans’ health and wellbeing.

The proposed research projects were required to add to existing understanding of veterans’ health and wellbeing, in areas including:

View the successful applicants for Veterans' Health and Wellbeing Research Grants Program:

Veterans’ Health and Wellbeing Research Grants Program

Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation Empowering health literacy in Queensland veterans and veteran families $140,000
Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation Chronic pain in Queensland female veterans $90,000
Griffith University Designing together: co-designing alcohol prevention prototypes with veterans $100,000
University of Southern Queensland Veterans' transition from Defence to Cyber Security Industry Pilot Evaluation $110,000
The University of Queensland The Veteran Connection Program: Empowering veterans to manage identity change. $55,000

Further information

For further information, contact the Office for Veterans.

You can view the program guidelines and frequently asked questions below:

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Veterans' Health and Wellbeing Research Grants Program, 03 Nov 2023, []

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