
On the 24th of September 2024, the Minister responsible for the Disaster Management Act 2003 has approved the Interim State Disaster Management Plan (SDMP) 2024-2025 and the SDMP Amendment Schedule in accordance with a Queensland Disaster Management Committee decision of 8 July 2024. If you require further information on the Interim State Disaster Management Plan 2024-25 or the SDMP Amendment Schedule; please contact D&


Interim Queensland State Disaster Management Plan 2024-25 (PDF, 3.4 MB)

Interim SDMP Appendix B Roles and Responsibilities (PDF, 116.4 KB)

Amendment Schedule Interim State Disaster Management Plan 2024-2025 (PDF, 367.9 KB)

Queensland Whole-of-Government Pandemic Plan (PDF, 495.6 KB)

Queensland Recovery Plan, developed by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority, is a sub-plan to the Queensland State Disaster Management Plan and applies to all recovery partners.

Functional and Hazard Specific Plans

Queensland Government Cyber Security Hazard Plan
(PDF, 1.8 MB)

Biological Disaster Plan (PDF, 287.2 KB)

Blood Supply Emergency and Contingency Plan

Queensland Health chemical biological radiological annex

Chemical / HAZMAT Plan (PDF, 889.6 KB)

Health disaster and Emergency Incident Plan

Human Social Health Plan (PDF, 1.8 MB)

Mass Casualty Incident Plan

Queensland Bushfire Plan (PDF, 2.1 MB)

Queensland Coastal Contingency Action Plan

Queensland Counter–Terrorism Strategy

Queensland Recovery Plan​

Radiological Disaster Plan (PDF, 288.1 KB)

State of Queensland Multi-Agency Response Plan to Chemical, Biological, Radiological Incidents (PDF, 1.1 MB) *

State of Queensland Multi-Agency Hazardous Materials Incident Recovery Plan (PDF, 1.1 MB)

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Disaster Management Plan

Emergency Management Sector Adaptation Plan (EM-SAP) for Climate Change

As a part of the Queensland Government's climate change response, QFES has led the development of a Sector Adaptation Plan for Climate Change in partnership with the Department of Environment and Science and the National Climate Change Adaptation Facility. The plan outlines a vision, principles and a series of priorities that intend to guide sector climate change adaptation activities and planning to ensure that it is fully engaged with the risks and opportunities of a changing climate.

EM-SAP (PDF, 415.4 KB)

Climate change (PDF, 352.7 KB)

The Plan
Executive summary (PDF, 1 MB)

Full version (PDF, 3.3 MB)

EM-SAP by section below:
The science of climate change (PDF, 1 MB)

Why is climate change important to the sector (PDF, 554.4 KB)

Sector examples of climate adaptation (PDF, 688.1 KB)

Glossary (PDF, 394.3 KB)

Appendices (PDF, 862.8 KB)

Emergency Management Australia maintains response plans for a range of physical assistance options that can be provided to state and territory governments and international partners responding to an emergency.  Emergency Response Plans are not publicly available however Disaster Management Managers may request copies from Emergency Management Australia.

Animal Health Australia (AHA) manages the development and review of the Australian Veterinary Emergency Plan (AUSVETPLAN) while is available on the Animal Health Australia website.

The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources coordinates the development, implementation and maintenance of the AQUAPLAN, Australia’s National Strategic Plan for Aquatic Animal Health, and AQUAVETPLAN the Australian Aquatic Veterinary Emergency Plan.

PLANTPLAN is the agreed technical response plan used to respond to an emergency plant pest incident.