Application for pre-lodgement services (ESR/2015/1664 and ESR/2023/6440)

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Note: This form has been developed to meet the requirements of Application for pre-lodgement services for an environmental authority (ESR/2015/1664) and Application for pre-lodgement services (ESR/2023/6440). If you have any questions, please contact Permit and licence management on the details below.

Important information for applicants

The Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (the department) encourages clients to request a pre-lodgement meeting prior to formal application. Pre-lodgement meetings are a service made available by the department to discuss early concepts (pre-design) to determine the feasibility of the proposed project or in order to seek direction and advice on whether a proposed application will meet the legislative application requirements. This service can improve the quality of applications and may reduce delays and un-anticipated problems associated with applications.

This form should not be used for pre-lodgement for development applications proposed to be made under the Planning Act 2016. Pre-lodgement for these applications must be arranged through the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning.

Commercial and confidential information must be marked clearly. All information supplied on or with this application form may be disclosed publicly in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009 and the Evidence Act 1977.



The department is committed to protecting the privacy, accuracy and security of your personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. The department is collecting the information on this form to tailor pre-lodgement services to best facilitate your application. This information will only be accessed by authorised employees within the department and will not be disclosed to any other parties unless authorised or required by law.

For information on our commitment to privacy visit our Privacy statement. For specific privacy information or enquiries please email or telephone: 13 QGOV (13 74 68).