
Logo for the Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation
Ranger team
Gangalidda Garrawa Rangers
Host organisation
Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation

Gangalidda Garrawa Rangers work in the Southern Gulf Plains, which includes a variety of habitats ranging from  inland eucalyptus woodlands to lowland coastal plains, saltpan areas, pristine rivers and seasonal and permanent wetlands.

To protect the natural and cultural values of this country the Gangalidda Garawa rangers’ work includes:

  • cultural heritage site recording and protection
  • management and control of pest animals, including feral pigs and horses
  • weed management through  a coordinated regional approach with local government and land holders, and monitoring weed management activities in the lower Gulf region
  • early season prescribed burning in consultation with landholders and stakeholders, and monitoring fire management activities using pre-and post-fire management plots
  • sea and beach patrols, including ghost-net and marine pest surveillance
  • rapid assessments of saltmarsh values and threats at priority sites
  • cast-net surveys with focus on feral fish species; and crocodile surveys in estuarine river systems
  • threatened species (migratory shorebirds and marine turtle nesting) surveys and other biodiversity surveys. (The rangers played a central role in achieving the declaration of internationally recognised Migratory Shorebird Flyways (Wernadinga and Tarrant) in collaboration with researchers).
  • traditional knowledge transfer through community and school education programs including a Junior Ranger program and on-country educational activities
  • fee for service activities, including aerial shooting of large pest species.

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