
Logo for Olkola Aboriginal Corporation
Ranger team
Olkola Rangers
Host organisation
Olkola Aboriginal Corporation

The Olkola Aboriginal Corporation currently owns and manages over one million hectares of Olkola Traditional lands in Central Cape York between Laura in the east and Pormpuraaw and Kowanyama in the west. Their Country includes Aboriginal Freehold, Nature Reserves and jointly managed National Park CYPAL.

Olkola rangers’ work includes:

  • leading the Alwal (golden shouldered parrot) recovery project in partnership with Bush Heritage Australia, involving fire management and feral animal control of feeding and nesting habitats
  • undertaking fire management with neighbouring landholders and implementing cultural burning practices on Olkola Country
  • assessing, mapping, monitoring and managing feral animals (pigs and cats) over all Olkola Country
  • surveying and managing weeds (gamba grass, hymenachne, rubber vine and grader grass)
  • monitoring water quality and undertaking wetland assessments
  • surveying cultural heritage sites and values, with knowledge holders and Elders, and managing sites to mitigate threats
  • engaging with Elders and young people for knowledge transfer and information sharing   through on-country camps and activities and knowledge holder workshops
  • undertaking joint land management activities with QPWS, including weed and feral animal control and fire management.

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