
Ranger team
Mithaka Rangers
Host organisation
Mithaka Aboriginal Corporation

The Mithaka rangers care for Mithaka Country, an area west of Windorah in South-Central West Queensland. The rangers work on the Mithaka People’s non-exclusive native title determination area which covers over 33,752 square kilometres of country and includes pristine rivers, rolling gibber plains and sandhill country, as well as a further 22,000 square kilometres of country immediately west of Cooper’s Creek.

Mithaka rangers’ work includes:

  • partnering with researchers on archaeological, environmental and cultural heritage research conducted on Mithaka country, with rangers participating in sediment coring, site excavations, mapping and recording of sites
  • monitoring and managing feral animals such as pigs, cats and myna birds
  • surveying, mapping and controlling weeds, in partnership with local council and other key organisations
  • monitoring water health across Mithaka country including eDNA sampling
  • monitoring endangered and key species including bilbies and birds such as plains wanderer, night parrot and grey hawk
  • identifying, mapping, recording, managing and preserving cultural heritage sites
  • bushfire mitigation and reinvigoration of traditional fire knowledge and practice
  • maintaining relationships with landholders, government and community organisations for knowledge sharing about land management practices and Mithaka cultural heritage values
  • sharing knowledge with young people through on-country and school-based activities, such as a Junior Ranger program, youth camp and holiday activities.

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