BioCondition benchmarks


Benchmarks (version 3.4) (XLSX, 110.2 KB) have been developed to be used with the BioCondition vegetation condition assessment framework and are now available to download in excel spreadsheet format to facilitate search functions and uploading.

Benchmarks are quantitative values derived from data collected from field-based reference sites for each site condition attribute assessed in BioCondition. Benchmarks are subject to review based on additional field data and expert opinion. Benchmarks are developed by the Queensland Herbarium as data becomes available and are released when approved by Queensland Herbarium bioregional coordinators.

Benchmarks are specific to each regional ecosystem or vegetation community in Queensland and are based on the average or median value of condition attributes assessed at reference and best-on-offer (BOO) sites. The setting of benchmarks aims to account for the natural variability in structure and floristic composition under a range of natural disturbance regimes throughout the geographic extent of the regional ecosystem. Further information on Regional Ecosystems are provided in the Technical Descriptions.

If benchmarks are unavailable or if BioCondition assessments are undertaken when conditions are sub-optimal e.g. during drought or post fire it is recommended that local reference sites are assessed at the same time, to account for spatial and temporal (seasonal and annual) variability.

The development of BioCondition benchmarks is an ongoing program conducted by the Queensland Herbarium. Please contact the Queensland Herbarium for advice on the development of currently unavailable benchmarks and/or the selection of reference sites.

Phone: (07) 3199 7695 or Email: with the subject heading: Benchmark Enquiries

Users should check this site regularly and download the relevant version of the BioCondition Benchmark database to match the Regional Ecosystem Description Database (REDD) and Regional Ecosystem spatial data version (search for ‘regional ecosystem’) and reference the information accordingly.

Citation: Queensland Herbarium (2023) BioCondition Benchmark Database. Version 3.4 (April 2023) (DES: Brisbane).

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence.

Benchmark glossary

A Glossary for BioCondition benchmarks is available and describes terms used in the benchmark documents.

Conditions of use

The BioCondition Benchmark database was developed using data compiled by the State of Queensland as represented by the Queensland Herbarium, Department of Environment, Science and Innovation. While every effort has been made to ensure that the material contained in the database is accurate, the State of Queensland accepts no liability and gives no assurance in respect of its accuracy and shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of the database.

Ecological Condition Profiles

Ecological Condition Profiles (PDF, 81MB) for Queensland’s regional ecosystems have been developed by the Queensland Herbarium to provide a visual guide for the rapid appraisal of broad ecological condition states typical or expected of the regional ecosystem. The condition states described in the profiles are based on site-level attributes of the BioCondition vegetation condition assessment framework. Condition states can be adjusted to include landscape-level attributes (patch size, connectivity and context) if required by the user. Values for most attributes are relevant for a 50 x 20m plot except for native shrub, grass and forb and other species richness, which are based on a 50 x 10m plot size.

The Ecological Condition Profiles may be useful as a rapid evaluation or validation of the condition state of vegetation. They are based on BioCondition benchmarks, where Condition State 1 represents the reference state from which benchmark values are derived. Information provided for Condition States 2 to 4 are relative to the reference state, but it should be noted that values of some attributes may vary between states. To obtain a quantitative and comparable condition metric of a regional ecosystem for validation, then the most appropriate approach is to use the field site-based and landscape-level assessment methods outlined in the BioCondition framework.

The development of Ecological Condition Profiles is an ongoing program conducted by the Queensland Herbarium. Please contact the Queensland Herbarium for advice on the development of currently unavailable profiles.

Phone: (07) 3199 7695 or Email: with the subject heading: Ecological Condition Profile Enquiries

Ecological Condition Profiles are currently available for regional ecosystems within the Brisbane City Council Management Area of South-east Queensland and 5 regional ecosystems from Central Queensland Coast Bioregion.