Advance care planning document checklist

The statewide Office of Advance Care Planning (OACP) can upload the following documents to The Viewer:

  • Advance Health Directive (AHD)
  • Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA) - Short and Long form
  • Revocation of EPOA/AHD
  • Interpreters/Translators statement
  • Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) Decisions
  • Statement of Choices (SoC)
  • Acute Resuscitation Plan (ARP)

The following checklists outline the steps and standard criteria used by the OACP to determine eligibility of enduring documents (EPOA, AHD or revocation document), SoCs, QCATs and ARPs, for upload to The Viewer. The criteria align with the requirements of the Powers of Attorney Act 1998 and supports clinicians to have access to quality documents.

Please note:

  • The OACP will check the completion of documents against standard criteria.
  • The OACP is not responsible for confirming the content of ACP documents uploaded to The Viewer.
  • The OACP is not able to provide legal advice about ACP documents and independent legal advice should be obtained if required.
  • Use of ACP documents on The Viewer must be in accordance with Queensland legislation.