Complaints about residential services
You have the right to live in safe, clean and well-managed accommodation.
If you’re living in a residential service that does not meet accredited standards, help and support is available. Residential services include registered boarding houses, rentals for seniors, and supported accommodation.
Making a complaint
If you have a complaint, the best place to start is to speak to the manager of your accommodation.
Residential services must have a complaints process in place, and in most cases, complaints can be resolved this way.
Before you make a complaint
It’s a good idea to:
- check the accreditation requirements
- ensure your accommodation provider is registered by checking the Register of Residential Services.
If your complaint is ignored
Free services are available if you’ve raised a complaint with your accommodation provider and the problem has not been resolved.
You can contact us by email at or call us on (07) 3013 2666 and we can assist you with your complaint.
You can also contact:
- Queensland Statewide Tenant Advice and Referral Service (QSTARS). They can help you talk to your provider, write a letter or take the matter further. Phone: 1300 744 263.
- The Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA). The RTA has useful information and fact sheets about rooming accommodation.
If you need further assistance, call us on 13 QGOV (13 74 68).
Unregistered accommodation
Operating an unregistered residential service is illegal, and penalties apply.
You can report it by:
- Email:
- Phone: (07) 3013 2666
Learn more about reporting an illegal residential service.
Your responsibilities as a tenant
Information about your responsibilities as a resident in rooming accommodation can be found on the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) website.
Help moving to other accommodation
Sometimes things don’t work out where you are living, and you need to find more suitable accommodation. You can call us on 13 QGOV (13 74 68) or visit a Housing Service centre to discuss your options.