Application support for graduates
The Queensland Government welcomes everyone to apply for our roles. It's important to us that our workforce is diverse, with people from all kinds of backgrounds.
We're working to make our recruitment processes and workplaces as accessible as possible for everyone.
We want applicants to feel safe requesting changes to the graduate recruitment process at any time. We call these changes adjustments or accommodations. They provide support to individuals across diverse circumstances, for example:
- being neurodivergent
- having a disability
- managing physical or mental health conditions
- cultural or religious requirements
- English as another language
- applying from regional, interstate or overseas locations
- have caring responsibilities.
Adjustments are not about giving an unfair advantage to some. They are about providing a way for people from diverse backgrounds to participate in the process on the same basis as their peers.
Some examples of adjustments you can consider asking for could include:
- longer and/or alternate interview times
- choice of online or in-person interviews
- alternative test formats or removal of written tests or psychometric tests
- quiet spaces for interviews
- bringing a support person to the interview
- submission of examples of past work
- the use of adaptive technology
- an Auslan interpreter or live caption service
This is not a full list of adjustments. Our program coordinators will work with you at every assessment stage to understand what adjustments you might need.
You can discuss or request an adjustment:
- before you apply, if you prefer to discuss it confidentially or anonymously with a program coordinator
- in your application if you already know what you may need
- at any stage of the recruitment process
- once you commence in the graduate program.
Sharing details of previous adjustments or accommodations that have worked for you can also assist in crafting a support strategy. Our program coordinators are always available to help, you can contact them at any time to request an adjustment.
Our goal is to provide an inclusive process where all candidates can showcase their strengths to the fullest extent.
If you're successful in securing a role and need things adjusted to help you work well, our program coordinators are here to make that happen too. You can discuss ongoing adjustments with your program coordinators before starting your graduate job. They will help you discuss your needs with your new manager.
Discussing and creating adjustments is possible throughout your career within every Queensland Government role, team and workplace.
It's all about making sure you have what you need to kick-start your career in Queensland Government!
All graduate programs will keep your information confidential as per Queensland's privacy laws.
We are creating a recruitment process that removes barriers and allows applicant's skills to shine. Suitability for our graduate programs is based on:
- someone's participation and performance in the process - whether they used an adjustment or not along the way
- your ability to contribute to the equity and diversity of the workplace. So don’t feel shy in sharing if you identify with one of our priority groups! It will be positively regarded towards your suitability.