Spending limits at general meetings

Authorisation for spending at a general meeting

Relevant limits

For committee spending
  • the amount last set as the relevant limit for committee spending by ordinary resolution of the body corporate at a general meeting or
  • $200 x the number of lots in the scheme.
For major spending
  • the amount last set as the relevant limit for major spending by ordinary resolution of the body corporate at a general meeting, or the lesser of $1,100 x the number of lots in the scheme; or $10,000.
Basic improvement limits
  • $300 x the number of lots in the scheme (subject to the committee spending limit).
Ordinary resolution improvement range
  • an amount that is more than the basic improvement limit and less than $2,000 x the number of lots in the scheme (may only be approved once per financial year).
An amount over the ordinary resolution improvement range
  • Special resolution.
Please note, this flow chart is a basic guide, and the legislation should be referred to as the primary reference.