Recreational fishing rules
Illegal fishing activities
Certain activities are illegal when recreationally fishing in Queensland.
Fishing gear
Restrictions apply to fishing gear in tidal and fresh waters.
Closed seasons and waters
Closed seasons and closed waters prevent people fishing for certain species.
Size and possession limits in tidal waters
See the size and possession limits that apply to certain fish species in tidal waters.
Size and possession limits in fresh waters
See the size and possession limits that apply to certain fish species in fresh waters.
Measure your catch
How to measure fish, crabs, lobsters and sharks.
Protected and no-take species
Certain species cannot be taken and must be returned safely to the water.
Qld Fishing 2.0 app
Download the app for the latest fishing rules, and use the 'My fishing' feature to record your fishing trips and share your stats and photos.
Recreational fishing guide
Get a printed copy of recreational fishing rules.