Alcohol ignition interlocks Guide

The Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program applies to drivers who are convicted of high-risk drink driving offences. The interlock program aims to help drink drivers separate drinking and driving when they get their licence back.

High-risk drink driving offences

You need to participate in the interlock program if you commit and are convicted of any of the following offences:

You need to have an interlock device installed in the vehicle you drive during your time in the interlock program. Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for financial assistance to help with interlock costs.

You must meet strict eligibility criteria to apply for an interlock exemption.

If you don't participate you can't drive for 5 years from the end of your disqualification (or the date you were issued a work licence).

Find out more about participating in the program.

Alcohol ignition interlocks, 22 Jan 2024, []

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