History of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have distinct identities, histories and cultural traditions. Explore the history of these rich cultures to learn more about Indigenous Australians.


Explore factual information on the history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, including community history, significant dates and government control.

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community history
    An in-depth and referenced history for all the Indigenous communities, including each of the Torres Strait Islands, as well as information about the history of government control.
  • Know Your Community
    Build a community profile containing information and data about Queensland’s first nation peoples and the communities they live in.
  • Australian  Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)
    Promoting knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island cultures, traditions, languages and stories, past and present.
  • Containing a brief history of the Torres Strait up  to 1879, this website covers geographical, key regional issues and general historical information.
  • Australian  Electoral Commission
    Features a timetable of electoral milestones for Indigenous Australians dating from 1770 to 2013, when Adam Giles was  appointed the Northern Territory’s Chief Minister, becoming Australia’s first  Indigenous head of government.

Language, culture and the arts

The preservation of Queensland’s original languages is the protection of ancient cultural treasure—not just for Indigenous people or  Queenslanders, but for everyone.

Find out how community groups are working to revive and maintain their languages.

Indigenous art is an important part of Australia’s history. Galleries throughout Queensland and Australia host collections that include examples of paintings, textiles, prints, drawings, objects, photos, bark paintings and sculpture.

Visit  a gallery near you to discover more.

Experience Aboriginal culture and traditions face-to-face. Learn about bush tucker and medicines, how to fish using traditional methods and hear stories handed down through the generations.

Find out about the experiences available.

Cultural events

Throughout each year, events are held to celebrate Indigenous cultures. NAIDOC Week—held across Australia each July—celebrates the  history and achievements of these cultures and is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by all Australians.

You can:


Reconciliation is about building better relationships between Indigenous peoples and the wider Australian community for the benefit of all Australians.

National Reconciliation Week is held in late May/early June each year. There are many opportunities to get involved, resources available, and how to register events.

You can:

Legislation and reports

More information

Explore information and services relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We also encourage you to continue learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures by visiting the following websites: