First Nations digital service centres

Two digital service centres have been established in discrete First Nations communities, with more to follow. The centres are community-owned and controlled and commercially sustainable, providing services for industry and government with the overarching goal to create a strong local digital economy through local digital jobs and careers as well as a broader digital transformation of the community. ​

Digital service centres offer unique benefits to regional and remote communities through the creation of new jobs, new skills and economic diversification. ​

Each centre provides a culturally safe place that delivers tailored digital training, upskilling and employment opportunities to local people, building community confidence, capacity and capability.​

The first centre opened in March 2022 in Cherbourg and is a partnership between Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council, Fujitsu and Queensland Government. It is the first digital service centre opened in an Indigenous community in Australia.​

A second centre was established in June 2023 on Palm Island, to provide up to 20 on Country jobs for local community members who completed a pre-employment work readiness skills bootcamp to prepare them to deliver digital call centre services to Telstra customers. Digital Service Centre employees will continue completing a Certificate III in Business with TAFE Queensland while they are working.​

The centre is a partnership between the Queensland Government, Telstra, Palm Island Community Company and Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council​ and supported by TAFE Queensland.

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