Action on single-use plastic items
Plastic pollution is a growing problem and can impact the health of our communities, our environment and wildlife.
Action to reduce more single-use plastic items needs to be done in a way that is fit-for-purpose so that the impact is reduced for Queenslanders while providing sustainable outcomes.
Queensland Government action on reducing single use plastics includes:
- banning a range of single-use plastic items from supply in Queensland
- introduced a Container Refund Scheme allowing individuals, charities, and community groups to receive a 10c refund when they return an eligible glass, metal or plastic drink container to a container refund point
- invested in research and innovation though the Beyond cups innovation challenge
- partnered with Boomerang Alliance to implement a reusable cup trial in 400 George Street
- expanded the Plastic Free Places program across the state and incorporated the tourism and accommodation sectors
- provided business support programs and resources through the National Retail Association engagement
- supported research – including the successful bid the Solving Plastic Waste Co-operative Research Centre
- developed the Guide to reduce consumption of avoidable and single-use plastics to help individuals and businesses make the change
- funded ecoBiz, a free program funded to help businesses to understand their waste costs and save money by introducing sustainable initiatives.
The Queensland Government will continue to support avoidance and reuse behaviours, as well as supporting the uptake of suitable alternatives to single-use plastics.