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The following physical modelling facilities are available at the QGHL:

  • 1,800m² testing hall
  • 3,100m² open-air testing area
  • 1-metre wide flume – 40m x 1m x 1.4m deep wave flume
  • 5-metre wide flume – 25m x 5m x 0.8m deep wave flume*
  • 20-metre wide large basin – 42m x 20m x 0.8m deep wave basin*
  • State-of-the-art flume and basin wave generation systems with up to 20-metre basin paddle widths
  • Modern data acquisition and analysis systems
  • Wave probes, water level recorders, 3D laser scanner; Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters (ADV), pressure transducers, and electro-magnetic flow meters
  • Rock sorting facility
  • 3D printer
  • Water pumping capacity totalling about 0.24m³/s
  • Water storage sumps (up to 350m³)
  • Facilities and amenities for clients (offices and conference room)
  • Servicing wave and tide instrumentation.

* depth may be increased up to 1.2m for specific opportunities