Coastal hazards and mapping
About coastal hazards
Find out what coastal hazards are and how they are identified.
Erosion prone areas
The erosion prone area is the width of the coast that is considered to be vulnerable to coastal erosion and tidal inundation. Read about the projected impacts of erosion up to the year 2100.
Coastal management district mapping methodology
Detailed information about the methodology used to decide which lots are included or excluded from the Coastal Management District.
Sea level rise projection
The projected sea-level rise of 0.8 metres by the year 2100 has been adopted by the Queensland Government based on climate modelling for probable scenarios of world development.
Request a coastal hazard area map
Coastal hazard areas maps showing areas vulnerable to coastal erosion or storm tide inundation.
Coastal hazard area maps methodology
The maps are based on the most recent LiDAR and digital elevation modelling data, which has a vertical accuracy of plus or minus 15cm or better.