Fine Scale Water Quality Monitoring Program

The Fine Scale Water Quality Monitoring Program provides fine scale water quality monitoring across parts of the Wet Tropics, Lower Herbert and Mackay Whitsunday regions in the Great Barrier Reef catchment.

Delivered by Terrain NRM, James Cook University (Centre for Tropical Water and Aquatic Research) and Farmacist, the program aims to increase understanding among landholders and the community of the link between improved agricultural and land management practices and improved local water quality in the Reef catchment.

In addition to providing local and timely water quality data to demonstrate how practices influence water quality, the program is generating jobs in regional Queensland and ultimately, helping to protect the Great Barrier Reef.

Fostering a culture of stewardship, the program encourages landholders and the wider community to take responsibility for the health of local water systems, promoting sustainable practices that safeguard both the environment and the future of the Reef.

It is funded through the Queensland Reef Water Quality Program with an investment of $3.24 million.