Soil properties
Soil texture
Soil texture refers to the proportion of sand, silt and clay sized particles that make up the mineral fraction of the soil.
Soil structure
Soil structure refers to the way soil particles group together to form aggregates (or peds).
Soil colour
Colour can be a useful indicator of some general soil properties and processes occurring below the surface.
Soil pH
Soil pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of the soil. Having the correct pH is important for healthy plant growth.
Soil carbon
Soils can store, cycle and emit as gases different forms of carbon, and soil carbon is an indicator of soil health.
Soil water
Water supply through soils is vital for both plants and soil organisms.
Soil fertility
For plants to be healthy, they need a steady supply of nutrients from the soil. A shortage or excess of nutrients can affect plant growth.
Soil sodicity
Sodicity is a natural feature of many Queensland soils. Soils are often considered sodic when the amount of sodium impacts soil structure.