Community guidance
View and download templates for community to provide comment on draft terms of reference (TOR) or to make a submission on an environmental impact statement (EIS):
- Comments on the draft TOR—ESR/2018/4084 (DOCX, 264 KB) (template)
- Submission on an EIS—ESR/2018/4085 (DOCX, 263 KB) (template)
Further information on how to have your say on an EIS.
Proponent guidance
- Criteria for EIS for resource projects under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act)—ESR/2016/2167 (PDF)
- Requirements for an EIS notice—ESR/2016/2172 (DOCX)
- The EIS process for resource projects under EP Act—ESR/2016/2171 (PDF):
- Appendix 1 Figure—Summary of EP Act EIS assessment process
- Appendix 2 Table—Statutory timeframes under EP Act EIS process
- Appendix 3 Table— Statutory timeframes under EP Act EIS process if public interest evaluation (PIE) report is required
- Appendix 4 Table—Steps in EIS process, responsibilities and resources
- Appendix 5 Checklist—Initial advice statement (EIS) content (description of the project and operational land)
- Appendix 6 Checklist—Interested and affected persons
- Appendix 7 Checklist—Information to establish that proponent may access land to carry out EIS studies for voluntary EIS application
- Appendix 8 Checklist—Voluntary EIS application
- Appendix 9 Checklist—Submission of a draft TOR
- Appendix 10 Checklist—EIS decision application
- Appendix 11A Checklist—Submission of an EIS or amended EIS
- Appendix 11B Checklist—EIS document standards
- Appendix 12 Glossary—Glossary
Application forms
- Application form: Pre-lodgement services—ESR/2015/1664 and ESR/2023/6440
- Application to prepare voluntary EIS under EP Act—ESR/2016/2160 (DOCX)
- Application for a decision on whether an EIS would be required for an environmental authority (EA) application under EP Act—ESR/2020/5490 (DOCX)
Submission forms
- Draft TOR
- Submission of an EIS under EP Act (DOCX)—ESR/2016/6498
Request forms
- Request to extend period under EP Act EIS assessment process (DOCX)—ESR/2023/6495
- Changes to projects undergoing EIS assessment under EP Act (DOCX) (project, proponent or contact details)—ESR/2023/6496
- Checklist—IAS content (Appendix 5 ESR/2016/2177)
- Checklist—Interested and affected persons (Appendix 6 ESR/2016/2177 (DOCX))
- Checklist—Information to establish that proponent may access land to carry out EIS (Appendix 7 ESR/2016/2177 (DOCX))
- Checklist—Voluntary EIS application (Appendix 8 ESR/2016/2177 (DOCX))
- Checklist—Submission of a draft TOR (Appendix 9 ESR/2016/2177 (DOCX))
- Checklist—EIS decision application (Appendix 10 ESR/2016/2177 (DOCX))
- Checklist—Submission of an EIS or amended EIS (Appendix 11A ESR/2016/2177 (DOCX))
- Checklist—EIS document standards (Appendix 11B ESR/2016/2177 (DOCX))
Technical EIS information guidelines
View and download targeted guidance materials by topic:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritages—ESR/2020/5296 (PDF)
- Air—ESR/2020/5294 (PDF)
- Aquatic ecology—ESR/2020/5295 (PDF)
- Biosecurity—ESR/2020/5297 (PDF)
- Climate—ESR/2020/5298 (PDF)
- Coastal—ESR/2020/5299 (PDF)
- Contaminated land—ESR/2020/5300 (PDF)
- Groundwater dependent ecosystems—ESR/2020/5301 (PDF)
- Land—ESR/2020/5303 (PDF)
- Matters of national environmental significance—ESR/2020/5304 (PDF)
- Noise and vibration—ESR/2020/5305 (PDF)
- Non-indigenous cultural heritage—ESR/2020/5302 (PDF)
- Quarry material—ESR/2020/5306 (PDF)
- Regulated structures—ESR/2020/5307 (PDF)
- Rehabilitation—ESR/2020/5308 (PDF)
- Terrestrial ecology—ESR/2020/5309 (PDF)
- Transport—ESR/2020/5310 (PDF)
- Waste management—ESR/2020/5311 (PDF)
- Water—ESR/2020/5312 (PDF)