Gladstone LNG project Fisherman's Landing
Gladstone LNG Pty Ltd (GLNG PL), which is a subsidiary of the publicly listed Australian company Liquefied Natural Gas Ltd, proposes to develop a mid-scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant at Fisherman's Landing Wharf (FLW) near Gladstone. The proposal has an expected life of 25 years and the first stage would produce up to 1.6 million tonnes of LNG per year. A proposed second stage would double the capacity within three years of Stage 1.
A natural gas liquefaction plant and associated infrastructure and facilities would be built at FLW. Wharf loading facilities at FLW No. 5 would be upgraded. Coal seam gas (CSG) would be sourced from gas fields in the Bowen and Surat basins. The CSG will be liquefied, stored and loaded onto vessels for export.
The EIS Assessment Report has been issued to the proponent and the EIS process is now completed.
Publicly available documents:
- Final terms of reference (see availability)
- Initial advice statement describing the project (see availability)
- EIS assessment report (see availability)
- Environmental Authority
For further information about the EIS process for the Gladstone LNG Project - Fisherman's Landing Project contact the EIS Co-ordinator.
Available from the library catalogue
The documents referred to on this page are available from the department’s online library catalogue.