Surat Basin Carbon Capture and Storage Project
Project overview
Current stage
- Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process completed
- The proposed trial project aimed to demonstrate the effective permanent storage of captured carbon dioxide (CO2).
- Transportation of a greenhouse gas (GHG) stream by truck from the Millmerran Power Station for 260 kilometres (km) to the test injection site located on EPQ10, near Moonie.
- Construction of a transport facility to transfer the GHG stream (predominantly CO2) from trucks to holding tanks.
- Conversion of the GHG stream from a cryogenic liquid to a supercritical fluid using a water bath heater and pump.
- Construction of a nine-kilometre flowline to carry the GHG stream from the transport facility to the injection well.
- Test injection of up to 110,000 tonnes per year for three years of the GHG stream via the injection well into the Precipice sandstone aquifer, between 2,250 metres (m) to 2,350m below the surface.
- Monitoring to occur prior to and during the injection period, and for two years after injection has ceased, for a period of at least five years.
- Carbon Transport and Storage Corporation (CTSCo) Pty Limited.
- Within the tenement EPQ10, approximately 44km southwest of Moonie in southern Queensland.
Local government
- Western Downs Regional Council.
- Approximately 7 years.
- Up to 32 (all program phases).
- Approximately 5 (operational).
Commonwealth approval not needed
- Not a controlled action under the Commonwealth Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; EPBC (2021/9122).
Environmental impact statement (EIS)
The process for the assessment of this project was as follows:
- Submission of draft TOR
- Public notification of draft TOR
- Final TOR issued (EIS in preparation)
- Public notification of EIS
- Proponent responds to submissions
- Project assessment report
The EIS Assessment Report was issued to the proponent on 24 May 2024 in accordance with section 60 of the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act). The EIS process under Chapter 3, Part 1 of the EP Act is now completed.
Notice and documents
Publicly available documents can be obtained by accessing the links below or by contacting CTSCo on 1300 119 786 or emailing
The EIS can be viewed on the CTSCo website at
EIS supporting information:
- Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment (OGIA)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
- Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Unconventional Gas Development and Large Coal Mining Development (IESC)
For further information about the EIS process for this proposal, contact the EIS Coordinator (Surat Basin Carbon Capture and Storage Project) on 13QGOV (13 74 68) or email