Queensland Sustainable Timber Industry Framework

The Queensland Government is committed to a sustainable forest and timber industry which secures regional jobs and protects our unique biodiversity now and into the future.

On 26 June 2024, the Queensland Government released the terms of reference for a new Queensland Sustainable Timber Industry Framework.

The Framework will be developed in partnership with stakeholders by mid-2025. It will present a 30-year plan to grow jobs, protect forest values and balance the many ways Queensland’s forest estate is used.

Six priority areas will guide actions and initiatives under the Framework:

  1. Securing sustainable timber supply
  2. Adding value to forest and timber supply chains
  3. Realising the potential for forest-related markets for industry, landholders and the environment
  4. A future forest workforce and strong timber industry
  5. Growing Queensland’s protected area estate
  6. Fostering First Nations peoples’ forestry employment and enterprise opportunities

Development of the Framework is being supported by an Advisory Group with stakeholder representation from the timber industry, forestry experts, conservation sector, First Nations peoples, the Australian Workers’ Union, construction sector and outdoor recreational groups.

Read the Framework terms of reference.

Read the media statement.

Greater Glider Forest Park

The Greater Glider Forest Park is a landscape scale initiative under the Framework to expand and link protected areas, ranging from Conondale National Park (near Maleny) northward up to Cordalba National Park (near Childers).

Up to 46,500 hectares of high-value ecosystems within current State forests in the south east Queensland bioregion has been identified for inclusion in the Greater Glider Forest Park. In many cases, these areas are adjacent to existing national parks.

Areas for inclusion in the Greater Glider Forest Park are recognised as high-value and core habitat for the iconic endangered greater glider (Petauroides volans).

Native timber harvesting in these areas will end and they will be transferred to Natural Capital Reserve tenure under the Nature Conservation Act 1992.

Parts of the following State forests will be included in the Greater Glider Forest Park:

  • Cordalba
  • Wongi
  • St Marys
  • Glenbar
  • Miva
  • Curra
  • Toolara
  • Yabba
  • Swanfels

We are working to amend the Nature Conservation Act 1992 to support the transfer of these areas to Natural Capital Reserves.

As a holding tenure, Natural Capital Reserves will allow for the assessment of conservation values, identification and resolution of existing land uses and native title matters before the appropriate final protected area tenure arrangements are determined. In considering what these areas will be used for into the future government will also consider their suitability in terms of offset contributions for government priorities.

A further 7,500 hectares will be placed into Natural Capital Reserve, as a strategic advanced offset for the critical Borumba Pumped Hydro project.

This will ensure this area, which is high value glider habitat close to the Borumba Pumped Hydro site, is not subject to native timber harvesting while Queensland Hydro determines whether this area should form part of the offsets put forward for consideration under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth).

View a map of areas for inclusion in Queensland’s Greater Glider Forest Park.

The Greater Glider Forest Park will help achieve the Queensland Government’s objectives to deliver the Framework and broader targets to grow Queensland’s protected area estate and conserve important high-value ecosystems for endangered species.