Listing and changing the conservation status of Qld species
The Queensland Government co-ordinates the process for species to be listed as threatened under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 (NC Act).
Nominations are assessed by the Species Technical Committee (STC) using the Common Assessment Method (CAM). This provides a nationally consistent approach to assessing and listing threatened species based on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List threat categories and criteria.
More detail on the CAM can be found on the Australian Government's website.
In August 2020, new wildlife classes were introduced under Queensland legislation to improve the alignment between the Queensland and IUCN lists.
Once an STC recommendation to list a species is approved by the Minister for the Environment and Tourism and Minister for Science and Innovation (the Minister), the species is then formally listed in the Nature Conservation Plants Regulation 2020 or the Nature Conservation Animals Regulation 2020.
The Threatened Species Listing report, which provides detailed information on threatened species in Queensland, is updated when any changes are made to the regulations. It includes:
- a full list of threatened species in Queensland
- number of threatened species by wildlife class for each year from 2007 onwards (when the list of threatened species was amended).
The report can be searched by wildlife class as well as the species’ common name, scientific name and group.
Species nominations that have been assessed by the Queensland STC and the Australian Government’s Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC), are available as Conservation Advices on the DCCEEW Species Profiles and Threats database.
Make a nomination to change the conservation status of a species
To make a nomination to change the conservation status of a species that only occurs in Queensland, download and complete the nomination form and lodge it by email to
Information about completing the nomination form is available in the Guidance for using the Queensland nomination form . The nomination forms and assessment guide provide more detail on addressing specific criteria and lodging a nomination.
View an example of a completed species nomination form .
To make a nomination to change the conservation status of species that occurs in Queensland and another state or territory, use the Commonwealth nomination form and guidelines and email the completed form to the Australian Government at
Changes to the threatened wildlife classes
View the changes previously made to the wildlife classes:
- 1 September 2024
- 8 December 2023
- 30 June 2023
- 25 November 2022
- 8 April 2022
- 12 November 2021
- 29 April 2021
- 22 August 2020
- 19 September 2019
- 12 May 2017
- 28 August 2015
- 12 December 2014
- 9 May 2014
- 26 July 2012
- 20 May 2010
- 19 November 2009
Further information
- Find a list of species and their NC Act wildlife classes for a particular area.
- Frequently asked questions about the interaction between wildlife classes and other legislation.