
The painted honeyeater is a rare, nomadic bird that feeds on the nectar of mistletoe and other flowering plants
The painted honeyeater is a rare, nomadic bird that feeds on the nectar of mistletoe and other flowering plants.

Potential to conserve wildlife

Brigalow vegetation in Queensland supports many different types of native plants and animals, including at least 32 threatened or priority species.

The region occupied by brigalow is significant for native land snails, containing at least 132 species, including 79 species that are unique to that region.

At least 23 native species of land snail have been collected from brigalow vegetation. Sixteen of Queensland’s regional ecosystems, where brigalow is a dominant or co-dominant tree, have also been listed as an endangered ecological community under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 because their area has been reduced by clearing.

The glossy black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami) feeds on the seeds of belah trees found in brigalow vegetation
The glossy black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami) feeds on the seeds of belah trees found in brigalow vegetation.

Limits to wildlife conservation

Most actions that will accumulate carbon in cleared brigalow country (such as not clearing regenerating trees, preventing hot fires, and reducing grazing pressure) also benefit wildlife by reducing threats.

Different types of shelter for wildlife, a good (and varied) supply of food, the removal or control of weeds and feral animals, and the size and shape of habitat patches and their distance from each other, will help conserve wildlife in brigalow country.

View larger image A summary of limits to wildlife conservation for brigalow Enlarge image

Habitat for wildlife

Shelter and food
Feature Benefits for wildlife Used by
Trees and shrubs Nesting, shelter and feeding sites

A diversity of tree and shrub species that flower and fruit at different times can provide a continuous food supply (nectar, pollen, fruit and insects) for animals

Dense understorey shrubs can discourage aggressive noisy miners and yellow-throated miners, which may exclude small birds

Some animal species need trees and shrubs of a certain size or age (e.g. saplings or dead, standing trees)

Birds, invertebrates, mammals, reptiles, frogs, parasitic plants (e.g. mistletoe)
Tree hollows, cracks and crevices Shelter, nesting, a place to find food Parrots, treecreepers, bats, gliders, reptiles
Fallen timber Shelter, basking and feeding areas Birds, reptiles, frogs, mammals, invertebrates
Mistletoe Nectar, berries and nesting sites

Can provide nectar and berries at times when these foods are scarce in the landscape

Birds, invertebrates,  mammals
Leaf litter Shelter and feeding areas Birds, invertebrates, reptiles, frogs, mammals
Rocks Shelter, basking and feedings areas; habitat for plants Invertebrates, reptiles, frogs, mammals, plants
Gilgais Habitat for plants; shelter and feeding areas Plants, frogs, birds, invertebrates
Invertebrates Food, pollination, seed dispersal Birds, reptiles, frogs, mammals, plants
Fungi Food, beneficial relationship with plants Mammals, invertebrates
Landscape features
Feature Benefits for wildlife
Large patch size Support larger populations of plants and animals

Support animals that need large territories and/or occur in low population densities

May also support more species of wildlife

Small edge-to-area ratio Patches that are rounded in shape suffer fewer ‘edge effects’ than patches of a similar size that are long and thin

Edge effects include increased weed invasion, predation, wind, sun and temperature, and all of these can have important impacts on wildlife

Close to other patches Allows animals and plants to disperse between patches

Reduces the risk of predation for animals when they move between patches

Improves the exchange of pollen between patches

How much of the landscape is cleared Birds and mammals are negatively affected if more than 70% of the landscape is cleared of suitable habitat

There is also an interaction between grazing and how much of the landscape is cleared, as cattle tend to congregate in the remaining patches of woody vegetation

If most of a landscape, or vegetation type, has been cleared, this also means that any remnants are very important for wildlife conservation, even if they are small or in poor condition. These remnants may provide valuable source populations for restoring other parts of the landscape

Habitat features used by some species that live in brigalow
  Tree hollows, cracks & crevices Fallen timber Trees & shrubsGilgaisLitterMistletoeRocksInsects
Little pied bat       x       x           x
Sugar glider       x       x           x
Bridled nailtail wallaby        x     x      
Painted honeyeater        x           x        x
Glossy black-cockatoo (eastern)       x       x      
White-throated treecreeper       x       x           x
Rufous whistler        x           x
Grey fantail       x     x           x
Short-necked worm-skink       x       x       x  
Common death adder         x    
Ornamental snake       x       x     
Yakka skink       x          x  
Dunmall’s snake       x       x    
Brigalow scaly-foot       x          x  
Golden-tailed gecko       x     x     x      
Frogs      x     x     x    x         x
Insects       x     x     x     x    x        x     x      x
Pale imperial hairstreak butterfly        x           x
Brown awl butterfly        x      
       x     x      x       x  
Plants      x     x     x        x  

Threats to wildlife

Threat Impacts on wildlife Wildlife affected
Weeds and feral animals Competition, predation

Some management actions to control weeds and feral animals can also have negative impacts on native species

Many different types of plants and animals
Exotic grasses Replacement of native plant species

Changes in habitat structure

Increased intensity and frequency of fire

Plants, birds, reptiles, mammals 
Noisy miners and yellow-throated miners These are aggressive native bird species that reduce the abundance and species richness of small woodland birds Small birds
Stem density Can slow the development of large trees, hollows and the accumulation of fallen timber

But can also provide habitat for some small birds and help to exclude aggressive noisy miners and yellow-throated miners

Many different types of animals
Grazing pressure Can reduce shelter and food for wildlife by slowing and preventing the recruitment and growth of brigalow, grasses and understorey shrubs, and by trampling and reducing the amount of litter and fallen timber  Many different types of plants and animals
Clearing  Removes many plant and animal species

Removes food and shelter for animals that depend on the plant species and structure found in mature brigalow

Many different types of plants and animals
Fire Many brigalow plant species have limited capacity to resprout after hot fires

Fire destroys features such as litter, fallen timber and hollows which are important for many animal species

Fire is a major threat to the many species of land snails that are associated with brigalow

Even low severity management fires can remove habitat such as large hollow-bearing trees, which provide essential resources for many fauna

Many different types of plants and animals