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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Positive Relationships Grants
The Queensland Government is committed to a new way of working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, families, and communities, in the spirit of reconciliation to address the causes, prevalence and impacts of domestic and family violence.
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Positive Relationships Grants 2024 provide funding up to $20,000 to eligible organisations to support initiatives aimed at reducing domestic and family violence in communities and promoting positive family relationships.
To achieve the actions under the Framework the Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships is supporting communities and services to deliver culturally appropriate support that addresses challenges specific to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and individuals. Place-based responses will be developed in partnership with community, service providers and other appropriate key stakeholders.
To help put ideas into action, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Positive Relationship Grants 2024 will enable activities that showcase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities work to eliminate domestic and family violence.
Guidelines 2024
The objectives of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Positive Relationships Grants are to help communities:
develop local responses to domestic and family violence
build skill sets that support the implementation of local responses to domestic and family violence and help foster positive relationships
raise community awareness of the incidence of domestic family violence and to promote strategies to lessen the impact on individuals.
Eligible locations
Eligible applicants have an opportunity to apply for a share in $313,000 for community action planning and capacity building initiatives across ten locations in Queensland:
Brisbane North
Mount Isa
Eligible applicants
The requirement is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Positive Relationships Grants 2024 to be delivered by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned or controlled organisations.
Eligible applicants must be one of the following:
Aboriginal Corporations incorporated under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 and administered by the Office of the Registrar of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations [ORIC])
Incorporated Associations incorporated under Queensland’s Associations Incorporations Act 1981
Incorporated Cooperatives incorporated under Queensland’s Cooperatives Act 1997
companies incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 – must be not-for-profit company limited by shares or by guarantee or public companies:
a company incorporated in Australia
a company limited by guarantee
an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust
an incorporated association
a partnership
a registered charity or not-for-profit organisation.
Applicants must have:
an ABN and be registered for GST
‘full legal capacity’ to enter into an agreement with the Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts
Applicants must not be bankrupt or subject to insolvency proceedings.
Eligible activities
The activity must be aligned with the objectives of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Positive Relationships Grants and delivered in collaboration with government and key stakeholders. Activities must be place-based, community-led and community co-designed.
Eligible activities include:
education, prevention and early intervention activities that empower community to identify, respond to the various forms of domestic and family violence and build capacity to foster positive family relationships
culturally appropriate training, specific to domestic and family violence within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
supporting and enhancing existing community leadership and community driven actions to support programs that are culturally appropriate and supportive
activities or initiatives that promote and motivate community safety within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
leading the co-design of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander initiatives with relevant stakeholders
delivering cultural interventions that support victims of domestic and family violence and/or address behaviours of perpetrators
reviving or scaling up programs/initiatives that have historically demonstrated successful outcomes within the community.
Applications will be assessed by a panel against the following elements.
Address the program objectives.
Align with at least one of the following eight key principles:
strengths-based approach
respectful relationships
culturally appropriate
co-design and collaboration
inclusive partnerships
community capacity-building
supportive and safe
activating sustainable community responses.
Identify and demonstrate benefits to the community.
Deliver all activities, events or projects in accordance with local cultural protocols.
Present and acquit a budget that identifies all expenses with individuals being appropriately remunerated for their cultural knowledge and time.
Demonstrate community-led initiatives and designed process.
Demonstrate capacity to deliver a project on time.
Demonstrate capacity and suitable experience to deliver agreed outcomes.
Demonstrate capacity to deliver all reporting documentation in line with the service agreement including financial acquittal.
Demonstrate value for money and cost-effectiveness.
Demonstrate in-kind or financial contributions towards the project.
What happens on this date
6 March 2024
Grants open on the SmartyGrants website (online program)
27 March 2024
Grants close. All applications to be submitted by 11.59pm (AEST) 27 March 2024
As per Ministerial / Department release
Applicants advised of outcome
When all required paperwork is submitted
Programs can commence
Within 12 months of acceptance of grant
All programs must be completed and delivered
Acquittal / Performance Report submitted
At completion and delivery of program
You can submit your application through the SmartyGrants website link from Wednesday 6 March 2024.
If you need help uploading your application on the SmartyGrants website, find your local Positive Relationships Cultural Connector staff member detailed in the Contact us section of the Grant guidelines (PDF, 421.1 KB)
Applications close 11.59pm (AEST) Wednesday 27 March 2024.
Incomplete submissions or late applications will not be assessed and will be deemed ineligible.
When submitting an acquittal, you will need to provide us with a final report detailing the outcomes and a financial statement on how departmental funds were spent.
For more information about the grants, including the guidelines, terms and conditions and how to apply:
contact your local Positive Relationships Cultural Connector staff member detailed in the Contact us section of the Grant guidelines (PDF, 421.1 KB)