Child health phone support
13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) – ask for the Child Health Nurses
Queenslanders can speak with a Child Health Nurse from 6:30 am to 11 pm every day for the cost of a local call (additional call charges may apply from mobiles and payphones).
We offer help when you need it. There’s no need to go out or make an appointment, you can talk to us over the phone. We have information about local community resources and can recommend credible online sources of information.
Registered Nurses in the Child Health Team have been educationally prepared to provide specialist care for children and their families and can provide you with information on local Child health services in your community.
The advice is confidential, qualified and supportive. Phone 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) and ask for the Child Health Nurse.
What does a Child Health Nurse do?
Child Health Nurses support families with parenting concerns from newborns through to young people including:
- Breastfeeding advice
- Formula feeding advice
- Nutrition advice and family foods
- Normal growth and development
- Sleep problems
- Crying or “hard to settle” babies
- Mum or Dad “adjustment to parenthood”
- Immunisation
- Ideas on how to make your home safer for baby
- Toddler issues
- Parenting support
Recommended resources
- Raising children network
- Australian Breastfeeding Association 1800 686 268
- Sids and Kids
- Children’s Health Queensland
- Child Health Service
- Poisons Information Line 13 11 26 (24 hours)
- Parentline 1300 301 300
- Quitline 13 QUIT (13 78 48)
- Interpreter Service (Help with English) 13 QGOV (13 74 68)
- Domestic violence information Line 1800 177 120