
Signs of hunger

Mothers can follow their baby's lead in how often to breastfeed.

Rather than watching the clock, watch for cues that your baby is hungry such as the rooting reflex, chewing/sucking on hands or fingers.

Early feeding cues (signs) are the best time to feed!

Early cues: “I’m hungry” (stirring, mouth opening, turning head and seeking/rooting).

Baby showing early signs (cues) that they are hungry including stirring, mouth opening, turning head and seeking / rooting.

Mid-cues: “I’m really hungry” (stretching, increasing physical movement, hand to mouth).

Baby showing mid signs (cues) that they are hungry including stretching, increasing physical movement and bringing hand to mouth.

Late cues: “Calm me, then feed me” (crying, agitated body movements, colour turning red).

Baby showing late feeding signs (cues) that they are hungry including crying, agitated body movements and their colour turning red.

In this guide:

  1. Breastfeeding 101
  2. In pregnancy – planning for breastfeeding
  3. Breastfeeding – the first few days
  4. Signs of hunger
  5. Breastfeeding – the early weeks
  6. Positioning and attachment
  7. Signs of an effective attachment
  8. Breastfeeding positions
  9. Common breastfeeding questions and concerns
  10. Common breastfeeding issues
  11. Breastfeeding in the first year
  12. Important points about breastfeeding

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