For adults affected by an eating disorder

QuEDS services

The Queensland Eating Disorder Service (QuEDS) phone line—(07) 3114 0809—operates from 9am-4pm, Monday to Friday for calls from people affected by eating disorders, treating teams, and/or individual practitioners.

We recommend that concerned family and friends also contact Eating Disorders Queensland (EDQ)–phone (07) 3844 6055–for community services and support.

Consultation services

A specialist consultation clinic is run from the RBWH for adults where an eating disorder is developing or has already been diagnosed. Treatment recommendations are then tailored to the needs of the client and their family. These may involve referrals to private practitioners, public services or to the QuEDS outpatient clinic or day program. Referral is required by the GP or treating health professional using the QuEDS referral form.

QuEDS additionally offer a statewide Consultation Services team to provide best practice treatment advice for medical or psychiatric inpatient and/or community mental health clinicians working with people experiencing eating disorders across Queensland.

The QuEDS intake phone (07) 3114 0809, operates from 9am–4pm, Monday–Friday for calls from people affected by eating disorders, treating teams, and/or individual practitioners.

Individual outpatient treatment services (for 18 years and older)

QuEDS currently provides two types of evidenced based individual outpatient therapy- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Enhanced (CBT-E) and Specialist Supportive Clinical Management (SSCM).

These time limited therapies require a 5–10 month commitment, depending on individual needs. Family/carer involvement is strongly encouraged throughout.

Families can also participate in skills-based programs for caring for a loved one with an eating disorder through QuEDS in collaboration with Eating Disorders Queensland (EDQ).

QuEDS Day program (for 16 years and older)

QuEDS offer a Day Program which runs 4 days per week, over an 8-week period, and includes therapeutic groups and supported meals facilitated by a specialised multidisciplinary team.

Therapeutic groups focus on practical (e.g. food preparation), psychological (e.g. identifying food rules) and nutritional (e.g. improving variety in eating) aspects of recovery.

Family and carers are engaged in this process through a family consult information session and are encouraged to be involved throughout the program.

Service hubs

The following Hubs are also funded by Queensland Health and may provide additional services in your local area.

Eating Disorder Service Sunshine Coast (SC EDS)

Phone: 5459 6900 (Monday to Friday 9am to 12pm)
Fax: 5443 7047

After hours: 1300 MH CALL (1300 642 255).

Gold Coast Eating Disorder Program (GCHHS-AEDP)

Phone: 5635 6200
Referrals: 1300 MH CALL (1300 642 255).

Other support services

The Butterfly Foundation

You can call over the phone on ED HOPE (1800 33 4673), chat online or talk over email to counsellors are experienced and professionally trained in supporting those affected by an eating disorder and who are also equipped to provide information and guidance on treatment options as well as referral pathways. Butterfly’s National Helpline ED HOPE is open 8am-12am AEST, 7 days a week (except national public holidays).

Eating Disorders Queensland (EDQ)

EDQ (Formerly known as The Eating Issues Centre or TEIC) is a community based non-profit organisation funded by Queensland Health to provide information and referral, free counselling, therapeutic groups, and peer support for people with eating issues throughout Queensland.

Common questions

Medical assessment is always the first recommended response to a suspected eating disorder, to ensure your safety, and this can usually be attended with the GP. Ongoing medical monitoring should be attended regularly and as clinically indicated, preferably with the same clinician each visit for consistency.

  • Attending this clinic is voluntary, with no out of pocket expense for Medicare card holders.
  • If you do not hold a Medicare card please feel free to contact QuEDS for further information (i.e. international students often have no out of pocket expense under private health cover).
  • Appointments are available to people with all eating disorder types and BMI ranges.
  • If your doctor has made a referral for you, we would encourage you to attend the appointment as it indicates that a medical professional has some concerns for your current health.