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Julian's Key Health Passport
Julian’s Key Health Passport (Julian's Key) is a communication tool designed with consumers and carers to improve your care while in a hospital or health service. It captures important and useful information about you, as decided by you.
It was first developed by West Moreton Hospital and Health Service in memory of a young man with intellectual and physical disability, Mr Julian Klass. In 2024, following extensive consumer and clinician engagement, an updated tool was released.
Julian’s Key is for everyone. All Queenslanders may require support to communicate with healthcare staff at different times in their lives. Some people – such as people with communication difficulties or disability – may require more support to communicate with healthcare professionals.
The information you share helps healthcare staff provide treatment and care specific to your needs. The tool has questions grouped into key ‘themes’ such as:
- About me
- About my disability
- My support needs
- Medical history.
Healthcare staff can readily access information to help them provide the best care possible suited to your care needs.
Get Julian's Key
There are 2 versions of Julian's Key Health Passport:
- printed version (for corporate printing)
- digital version (PDF, 2.3MB) (for printing at home).
If you’d like a printed version mailed to your address to fill out yourself, please email your request to JuliansKey@health.qld.gov.au or call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84).
To print a completed digital version of your Julian’s Key Health Passport, email JuliansKey@health.qld.gov.au with a copy of your completed Health Passport. Be sure to include your permission for Queensland Health to mail the printed version (containing your personal information) to your address.
Download the suite of Julian's Key Health Passport communication resources.
Future development of Julian's Key
Queensland Health is working right now with users to understand their needs and to consider the design of a digital solution for Julian’s Key Health Passport. The main goal is to develop a more user-friendly solution that will make it easier for you to complete and manage.
If you have questions about Julian’s Key Health Passport, contact System Policy Branch within Queensland Health at JuliansKey@health.qld.gov.au.