Invest in affordable housing
What is NRAS?
The National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) is part of the Australian Government’s long-term commitment to improve housing affordability. It aims to:
- reduce rental costs for low to medium income households
- increase the number of more affordable rental houses.
NRAS is ending soon
NRAS in Queensland will conclude by 30 June 2025. This means the remaining NRAS rental homes in Queensland will exit the scheme by mid-2025.
Information for investors
Investors who rent homes to eligible households for at least 20% below the market rate receive a financial incentive. The annual financial incentive is currently $12,463.23 per dwelling. The incentive has 2 parts:
- the Australian Government contribution of $9,347.42 per year as a refundable tax offset, or a cash payment for charitable institutions
- the Queensland Government contribution of $3,115.81 per year as a cash payment for dwellings in Queensland.
NRAS properties must be rented to tenants that meet the eligibility criteria.
Read more about the scheme, including regulations and program guidelines.
If you are interested in investing in a property under this scheme, contact an approved participant directly for information about investment opportunities. Approved participants are groups of investors that currently invest in the National Rental Affordability Scheme.
Before deciding to invest, you should seek independent financial, legal and taxation advice.
Information for property and tenancy managers
Property and tenancy managers must be:
- nominated by an approved participant
- approved by us before leasing a property under the scheme.
Property and tenancy managers for NRAS should be one of the following:
- Registered Community Housing Provider under the Housing Act 2003
- Licensed real estate agent
- Local government.
To become an NRAS property and tenancy manager, please contact an approved participant directly.
Find out more about the requirements and role of property and tenancy managers.
Approved participants
Affordable Management Corporation Pty Ltd
Phone: (07) 3555 9500
Aspire Housing Group
Phone: (07) 5414 2413
Australian Affordable Housing Securities Limited
Phone: 1800 940 773
Brisbane Housing Company Ltd
Phone: (07) 3307 3000
Coast2Bay Housing Group Ltd
Phone: (07) 5451 2900
Crown Property Pty Ltd
Mobile: 0431 465 060 or 0418 726 729
National Affordable Housing Consortium Ltd
Phone: (07) 3169 2500
More information
Contact us
- Email:
- Phone: Housing Services - 13 QGOV (13 74 68)