Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Australasia

The Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Australasia (previously the National Civil Registration and Statistics Improvement Committee) is a cross-jurisdictional body. This committee develops and oversees collective strategies to advance and coordinate improvements to Australia’s civil registration and vital statistics system.

Civil registration is the system used to record a jurisdiction’s vital statistics, which include data about the births, deaths and marriages that happen within the region.

The primary responsibility of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Australasia (CRVSA) is to identify and progress the policies and initiatives required to deliver a more seamless, harmonised and robust national civil registration and vital statistics system that works across Commonwealth, state and territory jurisdictions.

The committee has representatives from:

  • Australian registries of births, deaths and marriages (RBDMs)
  • Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
  • New Zealand Births, Deaths and Marriages.

There are 3 key objectives of the committee:

  • improve harmonisation, integration and coordination of the national civil registration and statistical system
  • understand requirements of users of civil registration data and related statistics, and facilitate efficient access to appropriate information
  • advocate and support CRVSA as a cohesive body to improve the national civil registration and vital statistics system in Australia.

What we have done

The committee has achieved a number of initiatives, including:

  • implementing the Australian Coordinating Registry (ACR) model for coordinating and disseminating national datasets through various inter-governmental agreements
  • making 2 national death datasets available through the Queensland RBDM as the ACR
  • developing harmonised national data access principles for use across the country’s RBDMs and with a registry acting as the ACR
  • identifying national minimum requirements to address inconsistencies in birth and death datasets across jurisdictions and improve the quality of vital statistics
  • sharing vitals data with New Zealand and Pacific region countries to improve data collection and systems that help address policy and cross-border law and order matters
  • launching the Australian Death Check service (data cleansing for commercial organisations and government agencies), available through authorised data service brokers.

Contact us

Use the form below to contact us if you have an enquiry about:

  • the work of CRVSA
  • the administration of civil registration nationally
  • access to birth, death, marriage and other data.
Contact details
    Your name
Your enquiry

Privacy notice

The Department of Justice is collecting your personal information for the purpose of reviewing your request under the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 2023. The information on this form may be provided to law enforcement agencies and to government and non-government agencies for verification of the data. Access to this information or a certificate may be granted to any person who has adequate reason to obtain it, or who meets the requirements of the access policy.