Holding an annual general meeting for bodies corporate under other Acts

Your body corporate must hold an annual general meeting (AGM) each year.

This page applies to:

Higher-level bodies corporate can be:

  • a community body corporate or precinct body corporate under the MUD Act
  • a principal body corporate or primary thoroughfare body corporate under the IRD Act and SCR Act.

The Acts listed above only apply to bodies corporate that do not have a community management statement (CMS) recorded at Titles Queensland.

If your body corporate has a community titles scheme (CTS) number and a CMS registered, it falls under the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 (the BCCM Act).

If you’re not sure, contact Titles Queensland to find out which Act your body corporate is registered under.

Learn more about the Acts affecting some bodies corporate.

If your body corporate does have a CMS, learn about holding an AGM in that case.

At an AGM your body corporate will decide matters such as:

  • the election of the committee
  • approving the financial accounts for the last financial year
  • appointing an auditor to audit the financial accounts for the next financial year, where required
  • other business of the body corporate.

Timing of AGMs

The AGM must take place within 2 months of the anniversary of the first AGM.

For higher-level bodies corporate under the Sanctuary Cove Resort Act 1985, the AGM must take place within 2 months of the anniversary of the AGM held in 1990.

Notice of all AGMs must be given at least 7 days before the meeting to:

  • each lot owner


  • the first mortgagee of a lot in a subsidiary body corporate and in higher-level bodies corporate under the Mixed Use Development Act 1993.

Inviting committee nominations

In a subsidiary body corporate, the secretary must give notice to all lot owners 35 days before the anniversary of the first AGM, inviting committee nominations.

In higher-level bodies corporate, the secretary must give notice to all lot owners 3 to 6 weeks before the end of the body corporate’s financial year, inviting committee nominations.