Rules for lay-bys
A lay-by is an agreement between you and a customer where you:
- agree on a fixed sale price and payment conditions
- hold the goods until the customer finalises the payments
- do not charge interest on the outstanding debt.
The lay-by can be anything from 1 week to many months. You and the customer are free to decide. You will then hold the goods for that period of time.
An agreement is a lay-by if:
- the customer pays in 3 or more instalments
- you call it a lay-by, even if the customer pays in only 2 instalments.
Terms and conditions
When you start a lay-by agreement, you must make sure the customer knows the terms and conditions.
Agreements must be in writing and should contain:
- what goods you’re selling
- how much they cost
- how much deposit the customer paid
- how long the lay-by will last (maximum)
- what cancellation and refund policies apply.
Cancelled lay-bys
The customer cancels
If the customer cancels a lay-by agreement, you:
- must refund the customer’s money
- may charge a termination fee only if it was in the agreement.
A termination fee can only cover the costs of the lay-by.
You cancel
You aren’t allowed to break a lay-by agreement unless:
- the customer breaks one of their terms
- you close down
- the goods are no longer available for reasons you can’t control.
You can’t choose to remove the goods from sale.
The customer is entitled to a full refund if:
- you close down
- the goods are no longer available for reasons you can’t control.