Apply for personalised transport complaint mediation
Use this form to apply for mediation of a personalised transport complaint that you have been unable to resolve with the other party or through the regulatory agency.
Mediation is a structured opportunity to discuss the concerns with the other party and attempt to find a solution that benefits both parties. Decisions made in mediation are not binding, but ideally will benefit both parties enough to be worth doing.
This service is offered by the Dispute Resolution Branch, part of the Department of Justice.
However, the information provided through this form will also be shared with the Department of Transport and Main Roads to verify the eligibility for the program.
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The Department of Justice (DoJ) is collecting personal information from you including your name, email address, phone number, personal information regarding other parties in your dispute, and your commentary or opinion. We are collecting this information so that the Dispute Resolution Branch (DRB) may offer mediation services regarding a complaint you have made to the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) in relation to a rideshare provider. We are collecting your personal information for the purposes of assessing your application for mediation by DRB. The Dispute Resolution Centres Act 1990 allows or authorises us to collect this personal information.
We will only use your information for these purposes, and it will not be further disclosed or otherwise dealt with unless required or authorised by law. Your personal information will be handled according to the Information Privacy Act 2009 and the Dispute Resolution Centres Act.