Personalised transport complaint mediation

Personalised transport refers to booked hire and taxi services that are performed in a vehicle with no more than 12 seating positions.

Our transport authority can only investigate complaints covered by Queensland’s transport regulations, but other types of complaints should follow the dispute resolution process.

If you have been unable to find a resolution after attempting steps 1 and 2 of this process, you can apply to us for mediation.

Illegal behaviour

If your complaint relates to illegal behaviour, such as assault, harassment, theft, dangerous driving or drink driving, contact the Queensland Police Service immediately or as soon as you can after the incident.


Mediation facilitates a structured meeting between the parties involved to identify, understand and negotiate their issue. This can often lead to the issue being resolved in a way that is agreeable to both parties, at a lower cost and with more flexibility than going to court.

Mediation is a confidential service, conducted by an accredited professional that can:

  • help you and the other party preserve your business relationship
  • save you time and money compared to court processes.

The Dispute Resolution Branch offers a free mediation service for the personalised transport industry.

Before you apply

Before you apply for mediation of your personalised transport complaint with us, you must try to resolve your complaint both:

  • directly with the other party
  • with the appropriate regulatory agency.

Learn more about these earlier steps in the complaint process.

You will need to be able to give evidence of these attempts.

If you wish to proceed to mediation, you must read our guide to resolving disputes in the personalised transport industry, which aims to help you:

  • attempt to resolve your disputes yourselves
  • decide how to progress your dispute if it is not resolved quickly
  • understand whether mediation is likely to benefit you
  • prepare for a potential mediation session.

Complete the workbook with the guide before you apply. It will help demonstrate that your issue is suitable for mediation and that you are ready to engage with the process. It will also clarify:

  • your position
  • the other party's position
  • desirable or realistic outcomes of mediation process.

How to apply

Ensure you have completed the steps under Before you apply.

You also need to have:

  • the contact details of the other person
  • a need for mediation (i.e. evidence that a long-term relationship is required between the parties).

Apply for mediation


The Department of Justice (DoJ) is collecting personal information from you including your name, email address, phone number, personal information regarding other parties in your dispute, and your commentary or opinion. We are collecting this information so that the Dispute Resolution Branch (DRB) may offer mediation services regarding a complaint you have made to the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) in relation to a rideshare provider. We are collecting your personal information for the purposes of assessing your application for mediation by DRB. The Dispute Resolution Centres Act 1990 allows or authorises us to collect this personal information.

We will only use your information for these purposes, and it will not be further disclosed or otherwise dealt with unless required or authorised by law. Your personal information will be handled according to the Information Privacy Act 2009 and the Dispute Resolution Centres Act.