Tailored training for your business

The Dispute Resolution Branch are experts in dispute resolution and we want to help you achieve your goals and learning outcomes by designing the training you need.

We conduct a wide range of training courses, which are tailored to empower you to resolve disputes at the earliest opportunity and at the lowest appropriate level —ideally avoiding expensive court processes.

Group training with us will:

  • develop your workplace mediation skills
  • build your workplace skills in facilitation and negotiation
  • equip your staff with skills to manage difficult conversations/behaviour
  • enhance your customer service
  • support career progression.

We can deliver our training at your office or ours. We will design and deliver training that is customised to your business, using the latest learning and development education principles.

We also follow up on our training and help you implement your learning in the workplace.

Contact us for a quote for your tailored dispute resolution training.

Who we train

Our training is customised to suit your group, such as:

  • schools and education groups—teachers and school counsellors
  • community groups—youth and community workers, volunteers
  • corporate groups—legal, human resources and employee relations
  • health sector groups—nurses, doctors, carers
  • local councils and government.

We have provided training for government agencies including Queensland Building and Construction Commission, Queensland Correctional Services and Aged Care Complaints Queensland.

About us

Our training team has over 25 years of industry experience, and a long history in mediation, being:

  • a Recognised Mediator Accreditation Body since 2008
  • a mediation service and training organisation since 1990.


Contact us for a quote

To request a proposal for group training, please first discuss your training needs with us: