Transferring from youth detention to adult prison
Your child will be transferred to an adult prison if they turn 18 and become an adult while they are in detention.
Changes to the law about who is eligible to be transferred to an adult prison came into effect on 13 December 2024. This means a young person who has turned 18, or will turn 18, in detention will be transferred to adult prison within 30 days of turning 18, unless they are sentenced and are about to be released.
There are very limited circumstances when the chief executive of the Department of Youth Justice and Victim Support may grant a transfer delay.
Changes to the law also mean that an 18-year-old cannot be admitted to a youth detention centre. If your child turns 18 while they are in a watchhouse and they are then remanded or sentenced, they will go to an adult prison.
Notice of prison transfer
Our Youth Justice officers will give your child who is 18, or is turning 18, a notice to tell them they will transfer to an adult prison. The notice will include information about the date they will be transferred. Your child can speak with a lawyer about their transfer if they choose to.
Before the transfer happens
Our officers will help your child prepare for their transfer to an adult prison. We will give them information about what might be available for them in prison, including:
- education
- training
- activities
- programs
- support.
Your child will also have the opportunity to talk with Queensland Corrective Services staff before the transfer.
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