Artefact gallery

Our artefact gallery includes images of instruments and equipment used to survey and map Queensland.

Select from these topics:


© All images are protected by copyright. The State of Queensland has no objection to this material being reproduced, made available online or electronically provided it is for your personal, non-commercial use, or use within your organisation; this material remains unaltered; and the State of Queensland is recognised as the owner.

Artefact loans

The museum offers selected mapping and surveying artefacts for loan. Email for more information.

Artefact gallery

In this guide:

  1. Distance measurement instruments
  2. Drafting and mapping instruments
  3. Angular measurement instruments
  4. Heighting instruments
  5. Surveying accessories
  6. Astronomical observing instruments and timekeeping
  7. Artefact gallery
  8. Photographic equipment
  9. Calculations

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