Notify us about your patient's medical condition

Doctors and patients get better results when they talk openly and honestly about whether the patient is safe to drive with their medical condition.

Read about how to assess fitness to drive. You can let patients know if they are medically fit to drive. This may include helping them manage their medical condition while they continue to drive with licence conditions or they may need to stop driving.

The patient must legally give a copy of your assessment and what you recommend to us, if their ability to drive is likely to be affected due to their medical condition.

What happens if a patient doesn’t follow my advice?

We recommend you remind them of their legal responsibility to let us know and the driving risks if they continue to drive.

You can report a patient’s medical condition

If you believe that a patient is unlikely to tell us about their medical condition and will continue to drive against your medical advice, you are encouraged to notify us. You are also welcome to submit a copy of any patient’s medical assessment form after you’ve completed it as we won’t be aware if your patient doesn't submit their assessment to us. Also if your patient doesn't follow your medical advice or comply with their licence condition, you're encouraged to let us know.

When you report a patient’s medical condition to us, we’ll write to them, giving them an opportunity to provide any further information before we make a final decision about whether to suspend or cancel their licence or apply licence conditions.

How to reporting a patient’s medical condition

You can notify us about a medical condition by:

Protection from liability

As a health professional, you’re not liable, civilly or under an administrative process, for giving information to us in good faith about a patient's medical fitness to drive.