Post-program opportunities

As a QIYLP alumnus, you will have access to a wealth of opportunities designed to further develop your skills, benefit your community, and connect you with a robust network of over 720 QIYLP alumni. Discover how you can continue your journey of growth long after your QIYLP experience.

Professional Development Grants

After completing QIYLP, you can access Professional Development Grants of up to $2,000. These grants can be used for education, training, career opportunities, leadership goals or conferences and events.

The categories of professional development grants are:

  • Enterprise Development
  • Economic Diversification
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Volunteering and Community Participation
  • Youth Support and Services
  • Environment
  • Arts and Culture.

Take advantage of these opportunities to achieve your personal and professional goals.

From dreams to reality: A grant success story

Meet Mackenzie and Taylah Jade, two QIYLP alumni who applied for a Professional Development Grant to attend the 2024 Connected by Water Conference hosted by the Australian Water Association.

photo of Tayla and Mackenzie alumni of qiylp program

This conference provided these Alumni the opportunity to network and learn about the way water is linked to economic prosperity, communities, the environment, and connection to Country.

“Travelling to Perth and attending the AWA Conference was something that would not have been possible without the QIYLP Professional Development Grant, so I’m sincerely grateful for the Office for Youth team and Glencore for this opportunity.”
– Mackenzie on the personal impact of these grants

Community Funding Grants

As a QIYLP alumnus, you can unlock funding of up to $4,000 for your own community project.

These projects must align with one of six key focus areas:

  • Family and Social Influences
  • Education, Training and Employment
  • Sports, Health and Wellbeing
  • Volunteering and Participation
  • Support and Services
  • Arts and Culture.

Apply for QIYLP for an opportunity to make a positive impact in your community.

Transforming communities: Alumni projects that made an impact

Amelia’s project: Weave and & Paint - Connecting cultures

photo of Amelia from weave and paint project

Amelia held Weave and Paint sessions in Cherbourg for a Queensland Youth Week event and delved into the cultural significance of weaving and painting at Caboolture and Brisbane installations.

Brody’s project: NRL Cowboys House Leadership Program

Brody partnered with the Townsville First Nations Youth Council to deliver the Indigenous Youth Empowerment Program for NRL Cowboys House students. This program aimed to enhance the leadership skills of First Nations youth, inspiring them to reach their full potential.

photo of Brody and 3 other students from NRL cowboys house leadership program

Rikisha’s project: Cookout conversations - A youth dialogue series

Rikisha partnered with Mission Australia to deliver a dinner and information night that focused on the Townsville Youth Foyer. The event featured keynote speakers and activities to empower young individuals and provided a safe space for young people to discuss community issues.

photo of Rikisha giving a presentation

Zhanae’s project: Groove Co’s Youth Week activities

Zhanae partnered with Groove Co to deliver a series of culturally immersive and fun Youth Week events in Rockhampton. These included a bush skills and fire workshop, Innovation Hubs focusing on youth business development and policy development, an ochre workshop, and a corroboree workshop and performance.

photo of a lady holding rocks in her palm

First Nations Traineeship

As a QIYLP alumnus, you can apply for a six-month full-time Program Support Officer (AO2) traineeship with the Office for Youth. In this role, you will assist the Senior Program Officer in the development and review of QIYLP. You will also support other youth engagement initiatives, such as Queensland Youth Week and Speak OUTs.

A word from our 2024 Trainee

“I have enjoyed every second of my traineeship so far. I have been able to work with a team of brilliant minds, who are deeply invested in the future of young Queenslanders. In this role, I have been able to expand my skills, network across government and community, and develop my career. I’m glad I applied for this traineeship, and QIYLP gave me the confidence to apply for it and believe in myself.” – Rikisha


QIYLP has welcomed over 720 participants over the last 20 years. As an alumnus, you will be able to access a rich network of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders.

Our monthly online Yarning Circles are the perfect opportunity for the QIYLP Alumni community to come together and have a space to share our stories. You will also receive a fortnightly Alumni Amplified newsletter, which provides up-to-date employment, leadership, and training opportunities.

If you have questions about these opportunities, contact us by emailing