Cancel your training contract

You may need to cancel your apprenticeship or traineeship because:

  • the workload is too high
  • you've been dismissed
  • you aren't getting along with your supervisor or employer
  • you can't meet your training obligations.

Sometimes, cancelling your apprenticeship or traineeship may feel like your only option, but it should be your last resort.

Alternatives to cancelling

Rather than cancelling, save yourself time and money with options such as:

  • changing your qualification or working hours (e.g. from full-time to part-time)
  • changing employers, temporarily or permanently
  • pausing your training
  • extending your training.

Find out more about making changes to your apprenticeship or traineeship.

Who to talk to

Before you cancel, discuss your situation with:

How to cancel


You can cancel anytime during your probation; you just have to put it down in writing.

Follow these steps:

  1. Notify your employer in writing.
  2. Notify them of the end date, making sure that this date occurs before probation ends.
  3. Notify your AASN provider, or us, within 7 days of the apprenticeship or traineeship ending.

When we cancel the training contract

We may cancel the training contract if you:

  • have been unemployed for at least 21 days following your termination, and any application you have made for unfair dismissal has been finalised
  • or
  • can't fulfil the responsibilities set out in your training contract due to changes in your situation.

We may cancel the training contract if your employer:

  • has stopped operating
  • has stopped operating the part of the business where you worked
  • has relocated and it is now impractical for you to travel there for work
  • has been declared a 'prohibited employer'
  • can't fulfil their responsibilities due to changes in their situation
  • has failed to meet their responsibilities.

We may also cancel a training contract if:

  • the school has withdrawn their support for your (school-based) apprenticeship or traineeship
  • the training organisation stops training you and no replacement has been found
  • the training contract contains false and misleading information
  • the training contract was registered by mistake.

Loss of job or employer has closed down

If you've lost your job or your employer closes down, and you haven't signed an application to cancel, transfer or complete your training contract, you must report this to us.