Flood risk management policies and resources
The following flood risk management policies, plans and resources are provided for Queensland local governments and flood practitioners.
Title / Link / Cover | About | Agency / Contact |
Queensland Flood Risk Management Framework | The Queensland Flood Risk Management Framework sets the direction for flood risk management in the state. In Queensland, governance of flood risk management is based on a collaborative, decentralised model with shared roles and responsibilities. Responsibility for flood risk management generally rests with local governments, as they are the major service provider to communities and are responsible for managing local development. Governance and flood risk management related policies in Queensland are dispersed across various state-level agencies to support decision making by local governments. | Queensland Reconstruction Authority Email: floodteam@qra.qld.gov.au |
Statewide Assessment of Flood Risk Factors | The Statewide Assessment of Flood Risk Factors provides an overview of Queensland's current strengths, needs, gaps and challenges in delivering contemporary flood risk management. This is the first ever comprehensive statewide assessment of flood risk management processes, based on analysis of key flood risk factors, across every Local Government Area in Queensland, using data current as of December 2022. It has been undertaken in consultation with councils, industry and other state agencies, and will lead to stronger flood risk management capability across Queensland. | Queensland Reconstruction Authority Email: floodteam@qra.qld.gov.au |
Flood risk metrics![]() | Five metrics have been developed to support measuring improvements in flood risk management and resilience for all Queensland communities. Each metric seeks to capture aspirations of Flood Risk Management (FRM) practices prescribed under the QFRMF. The metrics have been developed by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) in consultation with stakeholders. These metrics have been measured for all local government areas statewide to develop the 2020-2021 baseline metrics report. Annual progress reports against the baseline metrics will be presented to the Queensland Resilience Coordination Committee (QRCC). The first report will focus on projects and funding being delivered between 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022. | Queensland Reconstruction Authority Email: floodteam@qra.qld.gov.au |
State guideline: Flood evacuation route improvements | The State guideline: Flood evacuation route improvements and supporting materials provide guidance on a process to support the identification of 'fair and reasonable' flood evacuation route improvements in Queensland. The Guideline outlines an options assessment process that supports decision making in relation to flood evacuation route improvements. The Guideline can be used to inform flood risk management activities, and has been designed to be used by local governments, state agencies and Queensland’s disaster management groups, supported as needed by suitably qualified or experienced persons. | Department of Transport and Main Roads in partnership with the Queensland Reconstruction Authority Email: floodteam@qra.qld.gov.au |
Economic Assessment Framework of Flood Risk Management Projects | The Economic Assessment Framework of Flood Risk Management Projects (2021) is a resource to support Queensland’s flood risk practitioners, state and local governments. The framework describes a five-stage process for undertaking economic assessment for flood risk management and provides the tools to undertake an economic assessment. | Queensland Reconstruction Authority Email: floodteam@qra.qld.gov.au |
Queensland Strategic Flood Warning Infrastructure Plan![]() | The Queensland Strategic Flood Warning Infrastructure Plan (2021) is supporting communities to better prepare and respond to flood events, and improve community resilience to flood events, through development of a best practice network of flood warning gauges. | Queensland Reconstruction Authority Email: floodteam@qra.qld.gov.au |
Alternative Flood Warning Infrastructure (Rain and Level Gauges) Guideline for Minimum Requirements | Alternative flood warning infrastructure has the potential to complement the existing Flood Warning Infrastructure Standard gauge network to deliver substantial benefits to not only the asset owner, but to all stakeholders within the flood risk management space. The Queensland Government has established a set of minimum requirements through a Guideline to support all future asset owners to procure quality, fit for purpose assets that meet their identified flood warning needs. | Queensland Reconstruction Authority Email: floodteam@qra.qld.gov.au |
Case study: Rebuilding Grantham | In January 2011, Grantham experienced a devastating flash flood described as an “inland tsunami”. QRA worked with Lockyer Valley Regional Council to develop a plan for Rebuilding Grantham together. | Queensland Reconstruction Authority Email: floodteam@qra.qld.gov.au |
More information
Councils and flood practitioners can contact the Queensland Reconstruction Authority Flood Risk team via floodteam@qra.qld.gov.au for more information about Queensland Government flood risk management policies and resources.