Safety in the home
Even the mildest chemicals, medicines, animals and plants can be poisonous to your family but preventing poisoning at home can be simple.
Personal safety
Information about personal safety
Planning for your safety
Information for women to develop a safety plan for those times when you feel unsafe.
Electrical safety
Minimise your risk of an electrical injury during a disaster and around the house.
Fire safety at home
Minimise the risk of a fire in your home by installing smoke alarms, identifying fire hazards and having a fire evacuation plan.
Drug and alcohol safety
Make the right decisions about the use of alcohol and other drugs with the following safety advice and information.
Home safety
House break-ins are crimes of opportunity and, in most cases, entry is gained through an open and unlocked door or window.
Asbestos safety
Asbestos is dangerous when tiny fibres are inhaled. The fibres can lodge in your lungs and eventually cause disease.