Recycling Qld – let’s get it sorted

Keep it loose – don't bag your recycling

It is important to keep your recycling loose when it goes into your yellow lid bin so it can be processed properly.

Let’s get it sorted.

Soft plastics, like plastic bags can’t be recycled through your yellow lid bin. This can cause contamination and may lead to recyclable materials being sent to landfill. Keeping it loose also means it can be sorted and processed more easily and efficiently.

In this guide:

  1. Five materials you can recycle in your yellow lid bin
  2. Get your plastics sorted
  3. Make sorting your recycling simple
  4. Keep it loose – don't bag your recycling
  5. Get your metals sorted
  6. Get your paper and cardboard sorted
  7. Get your glass sorted
  8. Useful links

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