Recycling Qld – let’s get it sorted

Make sorting your recycling simple

Using a separate basket for recyclables is a simple and effective way to make recycling easier. Having a dedicated container to place your glass, metals, paper and plastic items into helps separate recyclable materials from general waste.

You could have a separate basket in the kitchen, bathroom and laundry and once the items are empty or used, it’s effortless to sort them and make sure they’ll be placed in your yellow lid bin.

Let’s get it sorted.

In this guide:

  1. Five materials you can recycle in your yellow lid bin
  2. Get your plastics sorted
  3. Make sorting your recycling simple
  4. Keep it loose – don't bag your recycling
  5. Get your metals sorted
  6. Get your paper and cardboard sorted
  7. Get your glass sorted
  8. Useful links

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