General information about wetlands
Queensland has the most diverse array of wetlands in Australia. Wetlands deliver many ecosystem services that contribute to our wellbeing.
Where are wetlands?
Wetland mapping, groundwater dependant ecosystems, mapping help and links to other data.
How do you manage wetlands?
Values, important wetlands, management tools, case studies and guides, climate change, wetland rehabilitation, constructed wetlands, pressures, water management, policy and legislation, shorebird and waterbird management.
How do you Assess and monitor wetland information?
Assessment toolbox, monitoring programs, Aquatic Conservation Assessments, assessment and monitoring of shorebirds and other waterbirds.
Ramsar wetlands
Nationally (DIWA) and internationally important (Ramsar) wetlands.
Wetland ecology
Plants, animals, soils, water, processes, wetland types and conceptual models, connectivity and the landscape (including catchment stories).
Case studies, interactive tools, reports and publications, education materials for schools, online education modules, events, pictorial conceptual models, videos and interactive maps, brochures and posters, glossary and bibliography.