Permit to occupy


Online payment for Pemit to occupy (unallocated state land) applications is now available. We are still accepting PDF and online applications and payment for these can be made over the phone after submitting.

A permit to occupy can be issued over a reserve or local road (including a stock route) or over unallocated state land.

If the proposed use is on a state-controlled road, contact the Department of Transport and Main Roads to authorise the proposed use.

Permits to occupy:

  • do not allow exclusive possession of the land
  • the proposed use must be able to co-exist with the purpose of the land (for example, infrastructure does not co-exist on a gazetted road)
  • cannot be transferred, sublet or mortgaged
  • cannot be issued over freehold or leasehold land
  • can be cancelled at any time without compensation being paid by the state.

Short-term permits are issued for periods of less than 12 months.

Lodging this application for a reserve or local road (including a stock route) or unallocated state land costs an application fee of fee 33923.  Application fees are non-refundable.

The content on this page may help you decide if this application form applies to you and your needs. It will also help guide you through the application process.
For detailed information and to ensure you complete the correct application form, we encourage you to arrange a pre-lodgement meeting and refer to the Land Act 1994. Contact your nearest business centre to arrange a meeting.

Is this application for a permit to occupy over a:
