Surrender of a lease, licence or permit to occupy

This application does not require payment of an application fee.

If you no longer require the use of the land, you can apply to surrender your lease, licence, or permit to occupy.

The content on this page may help you decide if this application form applies to you and your needs. It will also help guide you through the application process.
For detailed information and to ensure you complete the correct application form, we encourage you to arrange a pre-lodgement meeting and refer to the Land Act 1994. Contact your nearest business centre to arrange a meeting.

To access the application form

  1. Please read the information below.
  2. Use the button at the base of the page to acknowledge you have understood and this will allow you to access the application form.

Applications can be made by, or on behalf of the person who holds a lease, licence or permit to occupy or their legal representative.

You can apply either:

  • online
  • by printing and completing PDF application forms.

Online applications

To submit your online application, you'll need:

  • property sketch and / or aerial photo overlay
  • written consent from any registered mortgagee or sublessee
  • written consent from any party who holds a registered interest in the lease e.g. an easement.

The application must be signed (electronically) by the applicant or a legal practitioner on behalf of the applicant and will be lodged automatically through the online process.

Within the online application, there is a help guide to assist you to complete your application.

use helpers and videos within the form

PDF applications

To submit your PDF application, you'll need:

  • Surrender of a lease, licence or permit to occupy (PDF) application form
  • Contact and land details (online or PDF) or  application form
  • property sketch and / or aerial photo overlay
  • written consent from any registered mortgagee or sublessee
  • written consent from any party who holds a registered interest in the lease e.g. an easement.

Once completed, your PDF application forms can be lodged by:

We will assess your application against legislative requirements. We will seek the views of other stakeholders (e.g. state, regional and local agencies) and inspect the land if required.

Policies and legislation:

Once we have received the advice of other stakeholders and all issues have been investigated, we will send you a written notice of the decision. Your application may be:

  • approved
  • approved over a reduced area (approved in part)
  • refused.

If approved, we will require a surrender document and the consent of any parties with a registered interest.

You will be required to immediately cease using the land and leave the land in a clean and tidy state.

When a lease, licence or permit to occupy is surrendered the ownership of any improvements becomes the property of the State and no compensation is payable. However, approval may be given to allow the lessee, licensee or permittee to remove any improvements within the agreed time.

Any outstanding rent and penalty owing to the state must be paid in full before the surrender can be finalised.

On registration of an absolute surrender, the rights an any interests under the lease, licence or permit to occupy end. However, a public utility easement may continue in accordance with section 372 of the Land Act 1994.

Information on this form, and any attachments, is being collected to process and assess your application under sections 105, 180A, 327C and 481A of the Land Act 1994. If required, we may need to consult with third parties such as relevant local or state agencies and adjoining property owners. Details provided to third parties will generally be limited to type of application, area applied for and intended use. Your personal information will not otherwise be disclosed unless authorised or required by law.

We may wish to contact you to seek your views on our service, to advise you of any legislative changes that might affect you, or to seek your participation in surveys or programs relevant to your application type. Any participation will be voluntary, and you may email if you do not wish for the department to contact you.

We may also compile or analyse statistics and conduct research. Any publication of findings will not involve the publication of identifying personal information.

In terms of the Right to Information Act 2009 interested parties may seek access to the department’s records and view relevant documents.

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